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The Future of Wi-Fi Webinar Recording

About the Webinar

The Future Is Here! Don’t leave your tenants behind with outdated Wi-Fi.

If you’re an apartment complex owner or operator, your goal is to increase revenue by offering additional services. Managed Wi-Fi and IoT connectivity are two proven ways to increase profits.

For tenants, access to fast and reliable internet is a must-have when considering where to live. Remote work, online schooling, and telehealth all require network performance well in excess of what was deployed with wires just a few years ago.

When a multi-dwelling unit (MDU) is offered the opportunity to increase network capacity and spread coverage across the entire property, both residents and property managers benefit. WaveTunnel™ is the system that allows more efficient use of security, HVAC, water, electricity, and more with advanced IoT capabilities.

Get access to exclusive content about the Future of Wi-Fi and discover how you can bring the future of connectivity to your MDUs with WaveTunnel™.